The official Getty-Dubay® Italic Fonts have been 500 years in the making — so that you can make your worksheets in seconds.
We’ve created our very own join-as-you-type cursive handwriting font families that you can download for use at home or school. Visit our Fonts page to try a sample font for FREE.
The four Getty-Dubay® Italic Font families are modern descendants of the Italic handwriting style from the Italian Renaissance, when master scribes designed a fluid and graceful hand inspired by the proportions of the golden rectangle and ancient Roman capitals.
The Italic style has been in constant use since then. In modern times, it has been celebrated by Alfred Fairbank, Lloyd Reynolds and many others including authors Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay in their Getty-Dubay® Italic method. The four Getty-Dubay® Italic monoline handwriting font families provide a replete resource to effectively model the highly-legible and beautiful Italic handwriting style.
All four font families come with the same scaffolding that the Getty-Dubay® Italic method books and apps provide (dashed lines, arrows and ruled lines) to allow for the time-honored learning process of copying and tracing by hand. The Getty-Dubay® Basic Italic and Smallcaps font families also come with starting dots for younger students. There are 72 fonts in all!
Research suggests that handwriting instruction plays a pivotal role in literacy and language skills. In other words, students write to learn. The Getty-Dubay® Italic fonts allow for the easy creation of supplemental handwriting materials to make handwriting an everyday part of classroom instruction.
Download your free Getty-Dubay Joined SAMPLE font, and purchase our entire collection of 72 fonts here.