Italic Handwriting Series

Book A
With clever illustrations and plenty of space for writing and drawing on each individual letter page, this first book in the Series provides practice with basic shapes and introduces basic italic lowercase families and capitals, one letter per page. Includes numerals. Letter height 14 mm. 72 pages. Book binding is on long edge. (Fourth Edition ISBN 978-0-9827762-3-0 | International Edition 978-0-9827762-7-8).

Order Book A for $13.75

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Book A Sample Pages

Book A is also contained in the complete set of Italic Handwriting Series books -- buy the entire sequence of all seven books and the instruction manual and save!

Supplementary Materials including desk strips, blackline masters, alphabet cards and DVD are also available.

Extend this workbook by creating your own worksheets

Other books in the Italic Handwriting Series