Letter FUNdamentals
with Getty-Dubay® Italic

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Captials FUNdamentals store image copy
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Learn and practice how to form lowercase letters!

From the makers of the Handwriting Success App, Letter FUNdamentals with Getty-Dubay® Italic is a fun way to practice individual letters on your Apple or Android touchscreen device.

Pick a letter family, then choose a letter to practice. Provides lowercase and capital letter formation practice through four educational steps: following, tracing, tracing and drawing, then freehand drawing.

Getty-Dubay® Italic is a handwriting style that is fun to learn, easy to teach and natural to write.

The Letter FUNdamentals apps develop these skills: 

✔︎ Recognition of letter families based on similar shapes or width
✔︎ Motor memory of correct letter paths
✔︎ Knowledge of starting points, stroke sequence and stroke direction
✔︎ Fluency of letter formation

And use a progression of scaffolds:

✔︎ Following - watch the prompt trace the letter path
✔︎ Leading - move the prompt along the letter path
✔︎ Leading and drawing - move the prompt and draw along the letter path
✔︎ Free drawing - draw the letter path without a guide

Letter FUNdamentals I
Lowercase Precursive game

For ages 7 and up

Letter FUNdamentals I
Lowercase Italic Precursive game

For ages 7 and up

LT app screenshot 2 small

Lowercase Families

LT app screenshot 1 small

Tracing Practice Modes

Letter FUNdamentals II
Basic Italic Capitals game

For ages 7 and up

capitals tracing home page

Capitals Families

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 9.47.15 PM

Tracing Practice Modes

Letter FUNdamentals II
Basic Italic Capitals game

For ages 7 and up

You can also practice letters in your web browser with the Letter Tracing web app!
(Requires user registration.)

Want a full-year handwriting curriculum?
Learn more about the Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series for K-6
available as physical workbooks or an app for tablet and stylus.

Tip: If possible, use a stylus. (This is better for training the hand & eye.) Using a finger with a touch screen or track pad is the next best option. The App can also be used with a mouse, if a stylus or touch device are not available.