"Inga Dubay and Barbara Getty are truly artists and have designed each page of Italic Letters with great clarity, balance, precision and beauty."
by Inga Dubay and Barbara Getty
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The most comprehensive guide to italic calligraphy
Handwritten by the authors from cover to cover, Italic Letters: Calligraphy & Handwriting by Inga Dubay and Barbara Getty is the most comprehensive "how-to" workbook that exists on learning italic — 128 pages of step-by-step, beautifully illustrated instruction. The teaching method is "hands-on" — you learn to write beautifully by writing. The book provides page after page of models to trace and letters to copy. Each letter is presented in both a monoline tool, for informal and rapid writing, and an edged tool, for an elegant, formal hand.
Dubay and Getty take you through basic italic, formal italic, chancery italic and cursive italic — four classic hands that will earn you a lifetime of compliments in both your formal calligraphy and everyday handwriting. Once you have mastered the letterforms, the authors show you how to use your calligraphic skills to design and produce posters, invitations, letters, cards, booklets, and envelopes.
The Anniversary Edition celebrates 500 years of italic handwriting instruction beginning with La Operina by Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi.Italic Letters is for professional and amateur calligraphers, art teachers, and enthusiasts of book arts. It's also for students, business people, homemakers; virtually anyone who wants to learn calligraphy and improve handwriting legibility. In this age of computer-generated letters and forms, people admire more than ever the beauty and personal impact of handwritten communication. 128 pages. (Anniversary Edition ISBN 978-1-7334352-9-1 | International Edition ISBN 978-0-9827762-1-6).
This book requires using edged pen nib sizes of 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm and (optionally) 4mm. More about pens.